CodeIgniter, an open-source framework, is widely used to construct colourful and exceptional online applications. This PHP web framework has all of the right reasons to be popular among programmers. Shiv Technolabs, a Best PHP Codeigniter Development Company in Australia provides web development service in the industry.
High-end security and a plethora of built-in features are just a few of the reasons why CodeIgniter Development Services are in high demand. There are a few things to bear in mind when constructing a web solution in this PHP web framework to improve the speed of your web solution.
So, what are some useful CodeIgniter hints for enhancing the performance of your website? Continue reading to find out.
1. Remove any libraries that are no longer needed:
During the development process, it is possible that not all libraries will be used. It’s usually a good idea to get rid of any libraries that haven’t been used in order to free up disc space on the server. Remove these libraries with caution, as they should not have been used anywhere else. When you move to the host server, you may remove all of the unneeded libraries.
2. Reduce the time it takes for the server to respond:
The server response time may be very precisely defined as the time it takes the server to respond to the browser’s request. A successful CodeIgniter performance optimization is shown by a decent server response time. With these CodeIgniter Development Services, you may reduce server response time and increase overall website speed by using a solid web hosting service, using less server resources, and so on.
3. Remove the index.php file from the URL:
You may easily delete the index.php from the URL of your website to increase its speed. When you use CodeIgniter, index.php is automatically included in the URL. As a result, for a search engine optimised URL, delete index.php.
4. Remember to use Autoload:
When Autoload is needed, make the most of it. The $autoload array may be used to load resources like as libraries and helpers, among other things. At the same time, caution should be used not to misuse it, since this may cause your website’s performance to suffer. As a result, make good use of it.
5. In the config directory, put all of your configurations:
Start establishing a distinct file wherever you get to save all the config choices instead of setting configuration settings in every function. This will assist you in designing a website that performs very well. This method may appear time-consuming at first, but it will eventually benefit you in the long term by saving you time.
6. Remove the programme folder from the system folder:
Consider putting the application directory somewhere other than the system folder. You won’t have to go digging through the system directory every time you need to access a controller or a model this way. As a result, change the programme directory to a more convenient location. You won’t have to modify anything if you combine the system and application directories into one folder.
7. Use loops with caution:
Loops are a strong programming technique that may help developers speed up the development process. What if an issue has one slow operation that is run within a loop? It would result in a far more serious situation.
This means that you should be cautious while evaluating your loops, especially the nested ones, because a little flaw might be exacerbated if it contains a loop. As a result, get aware of the costly loops so that you don’t waste time fixing bulky problems and can build a well-performing website.
8. Use Sprites:
A sprite is a bitmap graphic that can be either a static picture or an animated graphic. To optimise the performance of your website, it is recommended that you employ sprites.
Normally, photographs on a website make a request to the server. Using sprites allows you to create a collection of pictures, which reduces the number of requests made to the server. This significantly improves the website’s performance.
9. Material Compression:
A website frequently has a large amount of content. As a result, you’ll need to compress the material in order to reduce bandwidth, which will improve the website’s speed. You can achieve this with CodeIgniter by setting the compressed output variable to true in the config.php file.
Final Note:
The suggestions listed above are some of the PHP Codeigniter Development Services hints that, when followed, may significantly improve the speed of a website. Furthermore, this open source framework has a large developer community that comes forward to Hire PHP Codeigniter Developer in Australia via forums, GitHub, IRC, as well as third-party libraries and plugins. Apart from them, it is the developer’s experience and understanding that finally results in a genuine online solution.